Goodbye Darkroom Door
Sad news - by now, you have heard that Darkroom Door is closing. They've been part of my world since I first discovered their stamps at Abundantias Gold in Edwardstown (Scrapbooking SA to some) and Charlotte's Web in Marion, both were my favourite South Australian scrappy crafty arty shops!
Rachel Greig and Stewart Yule were also one of the first wholesalers (along with Stamp-It, another awesome Aussie company) to welcome my business and to include me as one of their retailers when I started my online shop. Can you believe it was 10 years ago this October?
When I first found Darkroom Door, I was working freelance for Country Bumpkin who were across the road from Abundantias Gold, living life totally immersed in embroidery, smocking, sewing, painting, stamping, scrapbooking and making, sharing and swapping ATCs! Probably time I put my own drawing and painting skills back into action instead of colouring everyone else's amazing illustrations ... soon, another day, sometime in the future.
Today it's all about the amazing Australian made and owned company, Darkroom Door ...
The above photo is from when I met Rachel Greig (left), Stewart Yule (not pictured, that is me in the centre) and Dyan Reaveley (right) in 2017... an incredible weekend of educational arty crafty hilarious fun with a friendly group of other shop owners at a workshop held at Darkroom Door. Check out my blog post where I bragged about it all here :)
It will feel really strange when these beautiful stamps are no longer on my shelves - however, thankfully we have until 31st May 2024 to stock up on all our favourites before Stewart closes the door and begin his new adventure. I wish him and his family all the very best for his every happiness. Life without his Rachel would be miserable for him and his family.
Anyway, life does goes on and Stewart has marked down everything on his own online shop that isn't labelled with their own brand, Darkroom Door.
I was going to buy in a heap of everything but you may as well buy direct and enjoy the savings yourself. Not only will you get a bargain but it saves me time and energy as well (buying, waiting, unpacking, repacking, posting) - plus giving me more time to buy more of Tim Holtz's Mr Rabbit Stamps (so totally handsome this bunny is) --- so visit Darkroom Door while you still can at www.darkroomdoor.com.au :)
Be inspired by this amazing brand and enjoy creating with Australian made stamps!
Thank you so much for reading my blog post. Stay well, keep smiling and have a creative Happy day!
ps... imagine hearing Elton John's song 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' as you read this, because that song is going around and around in my head as I type :)
Remember ... there are no mistakes in art - simply enjoy the goodness that creating does for our hearts, souls and frazzled minds, as you smoosh, splash, stamp and colour!
Did you know? ... we have a fabulous collection which has everything all in one place. Simply use the filter drop down menu to have a wander. Click here to see all the arty treasures at once. ^_* Happy arting!