Newsletter Update... and a bit of chitchat
I hope you've been having a happy and creative time this summer (or winter, if you're up North). I certainly have - so far this year, I have spent time reading about art, gazing at art, talking about art, creating art, sharing techniques, selling art supplies and designing! And time has been spent with family and friends too, but mostly, its been about art. I LOVE art. Maybe you noticed? lol
My poor newsletters and blogs have been neglected lately... my last newsletter was September 2014 - I hope my subscribers haven't forgotten who I am!!! Think of all that internet data I've saved you! I'm sure, like me, you have been using the your data limit wisely on important things like Simon's Cat and Grumpy Cat, pics of frogs made of car tyres, purrfectly adorable photos of kittens and others with life changing quotes. I'm kidding - the quotes haven't all be life changing (but they have been interesting and often make me smile).
Of course there have been other things I've noticed on Facebook and Pinterest... like more Art. I sense a theme here... luckily I own an art and design business or I'd be in trouble!
If you want to read more about my love affair with Arts, Crafts and Design there are many ways to connect - Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, my Shop Blog, A Life Less Ordinary Blog and my Newsletter. Plus there is my phone, email and snailmail :) So many ways to keep in touch and chat these days!
Best go and write and send the newsletter so you can read it!
Until next time,
Happy Creative Day!