Enchanted Art Journal Page

What do you get when you mix serviettes with glue, paint with iridescent medium and butterflies with fairies? An enchanting art journal page!

art journaling with serviettes, Dylusions Paint and Liquitex mediums

I'm happy to say that I'm pleased how this page turned out. What started out as a selection of serviettes, a small Dylusions Creative Journal, Dylusions Paint and Matte Gel Medium has turned into such a pretty page.

This particular page was made for a journal swap in 2015... my journal is currently travelling around Australia enjoying the creativity of other artists. I'll see it again in around 8-9 months so will show it off when it gets home.

I started with a blank page with the fairy serviette with a bunch of stamps next to my pot of gel medium... then forgot to take more photos! So you've just got the beginning and the end :)

I tore around the fairy so the serviette would blend into the background. Then did the same for the butterfly serviette. By the way, if you only have one serviette to use, rip carefully! It saves having to rejoin certain elements of the design :) At least I didn't rip the poor fairy's wings off!

Using the gel medium, I glued down the borders and fairy then added some purple, white and brown paint with a rolled (screwed, squished, scrunched) up piece of kitchen paper. I love how fast this Dylusions paint dries! Makes layering so much easier. It did help having the heater on as it was freezing that night.

I chose the stencils while it dried, then added more paint, again with the kitchen paper stub. I do use regular brushes, foam blending tools, sponges and stencil brushes for creating my art, but this time I wanted to keep a really rough texture to the background while keeping it flat.

I mixed paint as I painted, just adding a bit at a time. The white I just splotched on anywhere then added the purple and brown to get the paler colours. Then added more white as I made it too dark.

The green you can see is from the Chameleon Pens - why? I don't know, they were there next to me and the green just jumped into my hand while I was messing about with the stamps. The toadstools and flowers were stamped with black StazOn then blended into the background using my olive green, grey and clear Chameleon Pens.

Finally, I used a paint brush to add the Liquitex Iridescent Medium to the crystal ball and wings of the fairy and butterfly. I love this stuff... it reflects whatever colour you have underneath and makes it sparkle.

I was expecting the page to get thicker from the amount of paint and gel medium I was adding, but it didn't. And it didn't leak through to the other side (I do get a bit heavy handed with paint). Yay :)

I can't wait to see my journal when it gets home, but in the meantime, I need to create something magical and enchanting for each of the other journals when they visit.

I hope you enjoyed reading how my art journal page was created. Next time I'll remember to take photos :)

Happy Creative Day!

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